Happy moments in mmos

I get happy when I see a Lizard in a weddingdress. And i am a sucker for lovely graphic so I enjoy when it almost feels as you are in the game yourself and you can forget about the, sometimes, harsh reality for a while.

But most of all I love my friends who stands by me both in high and low. I can even cry and sob in Skype, when im sad irl, without they´r hanging up on me :`)

Pictures; Elder Scrolls Online
BLOG: Moonshine Mansion
and my Lizard friend and my old “wolf” friend who is always there for me <3


About Xannziee

MMO addict
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2 Responses to Happy moments in mmos

  1. Gracie says:

    I love that my post keeps inspiring folks to post more happy things! Thank you for sharing this with me!

    • Xannziee says:

      Thank you! It was a great initiative. Its more common to complain, maybee we are a bit spoiled:) As u say; there are so many wonderful things in game to enjoy. We just need to be reminded now and then:)

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